Shipping Info

  • Where are orders shipped from?
    • I ship from the US! Orders are fulfilled by USPS for domestic shipping and either USPS or Asendia for international shipping.
  • Where do you ship? 
    • Orders can be shipped to US/Canada and internationally excluding UK/EU/China due to shipping complications.
    • International customers are responsible for any customs or additional fees that may occur. I will also not be able to ship to countries listed on the USPS Service Suspension List - please double check before purchasing as orders to these locations will be cancelled and refunded minus the Paypal/Stripe transaction fee.
  • When will my order arrive?
    • Orders are shipped out weekly! US orders can take around 3-10 business days to arrive while international orders can take approximately 1-3+ weeks. If your order contains preorder items, it will be shipped after I receive the items. 
    • If you want to check on preorder status, it will be updated HERE!
  • Will I receive a tracking number?
    • If your order is all flat items (stickers, prints) it will be sent using letter mail. If you would like a tracked option, please scroll down to 'Tip Jar / Add Tracking' at the bottom of the Product Page to add tracking! 
    • For orders that include any non-flat items, you will receive a tracking #. 
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Return + Refund Policy
  • Lost/Damaged Orders: Unfortunately, things are out of my hands once the package is shipped; the responsibility for the safe delivery of orders and lost/damaged packages is with the shipping service. For issues with delivery, please contact them directly.
    • If you think your order has been lost, contact me within 30 days to see if I can help with making a Missing Mail Search or insurance claim. In case of receiving damaged items, contact me with your order number and proof of damage. I may be able to send replacement items with an additional charge for shipping costs after it has been shipped back to me. Please note that I cannot compensate any lost packages that were untracked! 
  • Incorrect Address: If you've provided an incorrect shipping address, contact me ASAP so that I can change the address before the order is sent. If the order has already been sent and is returned, I can send out the order again with another charge for the shipping cost. 
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  • All sales are considered final once payment is made. For any issues or questions, please reach out to me through the contact form or at [email protected]!